Jeffro Radio

Hits of the 80s, 90s, 2K + Today!

Hits of the 80s, 90s, 2K + Today!
Jeffro Radio plays pop, rock, and rhythmic hits of the 80s, 90s, 2K + Today, live from Chicago! These aren't the same 250 songs you hear on terrestrial or even satellite radio. These are ALL the hits! The "Oh Wow" factor here is HUGE. Jeffro Radio offers a mix of music that "just ain't out there!" Questions? Problems connecting? Just want to let us know who you are and where you listen? Great! We'd love to hear from you. Contact Jeffro@Jeffro.Radio Last, but not least, please tell a friend about us. Since we don't air commercials or charge to listen, there's no income to promote the station! Help us build the biggest online music community ever. That way, we can continue to blow your mind for years to come. Thank you SO much!
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