Radio StandBy

more music, more action....more Fun!

Logan taken
more music, more action....more Fun!
The Rock and Disco sound of the 70s, Electro-Pop and the New Rock of the 80s, up to the 90s with the affirmation of the Dance sound and the continuous evolution of Anglo-American Pop Rock but not only. All this obviously focusing on an immediate and immediately recognizable sound, which embraces all the great names of the period, and allows other names and other songs to re-emerge perhaps forgotten amid daily worries and old emotions, to fill the listeners' day with an undemanding but quality and in any case emotional and engaging. In addition to the continuous and uninterrupted musical flow, Radio Stand By constellates its daily schedule with specific and specifically and originally realized broadcasts. Again, going into detail, we find classics of radio programming of all times alongside new and original productions.
Yanar Gizo
FM 3 Latium, Latina
FM 1 Latium, Rieti
FM 4 Latium, Rome
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